6 Quick Steps To Launch Your Online Business (Easily)

You don’t have to do it full-time.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Practice in Public


I’ve been a solopreneur for 34 months. What I’m about to tell you will help you get closer to your digital business goals.

Whether you’re doing this full-time or on the side, this will help you launch your online business effortlessly. Though if you ask me, doing this on the side is always better because pressuring your newly born business to pay your bills will suck you out of energy.

It’ll also retain the love you have for your craft. This is the reason I don’t advocate following your passion because if it makes you fall out of love, you lose the passion and the profession.

Let’s get started.

1. Create consistently about one topic

And if you don’t know what those one or a maximum of two topics are, then create about anything and everything you feel like but create a lot. I am talking about 10 tweets a day which is a method I followed to grow from zero to 5000 on Twitter.

After some time, you naturally won’t write about numerous topics with as much passion.

Now keep creating because creating more helps you create more.

2. Engage with others + your audience

I see most people work hard to stay consistent, but then they miss out on this part. It’s like shouting every day in a room full of… nobody.

If you’re not engaging, you really aren’t putting yourself out there. You’re not learning from others in your field, adding value to their work, or building relationships.

When you engage you give your profile and content more eyes. People might resonate with your thoughts and might follow you too. But showing up without interacting is a waste.

3. See how you can help them

I spoke to someone yesterday who has a community of 7000 people where 10% are highly engaged. They buy his low-cost workshops and he is stressed out to keep them engaged every month. The community is free, only the workshops are paid.

I recommended that he should highlight a few common problems most people ask him. And then he can solve for a few people at a high price instead of 700 people for $2.

Your business idea lies in your audience. To reach here, you need to do the above two.

4. Propose that solution

Create a coaching, group mentorship, cohort-based program, or even a simple PDF offer. Make this a solution to their problems because people put in the money when they get value from it.

Productising a solution is underrated. Even more when people jump to creating products they create only to sell and make money without researching if their audience even resonates with it.

This is why a solution will work while a random product probably won't.

5. Do it for free

This is like a test-run to see if your product works.

I’ve reviewed as well as got my ebooks reviewed by others. For this free exchange, I ask for feedback and a testimonial. I conducted my flagship course, Summit 21 free of cost for the first time because I had no clue if it would work. So I got people together on Slack and conducted Zoom calls.

I got over 30 testimonials by doing that, which is amazing social proof if you ask me. A landing page with a price but no reviews will make people doubt their purchase but when others rave about it, a future customer is more likely to buy it too.

6. Productise it

And when all the above is done, hop on to Gumroad and put a price on it.

This could be

  • ebooks
  • pre-recorded courses
  • cohort-based course
  • a Notion template
  • any other templates
  • paid newsletter

The internet is a world of endless possibilities!


Here’s a quick summary of what we discussed:

  1. Create consistently about one topic
  2. Engage with others + your audience
  3. See how you can help them
  4. Propose that solution
  5. Do it for free
  6. Productise it

Each step is incomplete if you remove the step before it. So follow it one-by-one, have fun, and create something aweome.

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